I'm still alive! I know... it has been way too long since I posted anything. I have been very busy, but I have also just not been in the mood to write. I don't have a good reason for that... I have no idea why. But I am back, and I have several things to write about, like what we have been doing for the past two weeks!
We spent the three or four days before Thanksgiving just getting ready for Thanksgiving. My mom and I made pies, cakes, cookies, and pecan bars. We made several shopping trips, almost couldn't find a turkey, chopped vegetables, made lists, and cleaned the house. It was a busy few days.
Asa was supposed to arrive Thursday morning around 10, but much to our surprise he walked in the door Wednesday night at 11! He drove all the way down to Nacogdoches 12 hours early and I had no idea! I was even talking to him on the phone along the and sending him messages. Yep, he lied directly to me about where he was... but it was worth it! And I'm so glad he actually got pull off a surprise because normally I ruin them all before they are put into action.
The next few days were filled with running all over Nacogdoches. We ate Thanksgiving lunch at my mom's house, then drove out to visit with Asa's mom, and then drove back into town and visited with Asa's dad. Friday we spent the day at Asa's mom's house, visiting with his sisters and grandparents, and then my grandparents came into town so we went back to my mom's house for the evening with them. Saturday, we had breakfast with my family, lunch with Asa's dad, and dinner out with Emily V. and her friends. Nap times were nonexistent those days. Oh, and we also rented a bounce house for my mom's backyard, so anytime we were at home was also spent in the yard bouncing! It was incredibly busy, but it was also fantastic. I love being in Nacogdoches with Asa, spending time with our families and feeling like we're "at home."
On Sunday, we left Nacogdoches around 8:30 in the morning. I was traveling alone because Asa had gone hunting that morning and was going to be a few hours behind me. And I want to say for the record, that I will
never again make that trip all in one day by myself. It was literally the longest trip ever. I felt like I was going to go crazy. The last few hours were spent with Marley crying for "Mimi Papa's house" and me crying because I had no idea how to fix her wanting to be there when we couldn't. It was horrible.
We finally got home, I grabbed what I could fit in my arms, unlocked the door and went inside with Marley. We used the bathroom, got a snack, rested on the bed, and then Marley realized she had forgotten her babies in the car. So, I told her to wait in the kitchen, ran out the door, grabbed the babies, and tried to open the door. It was locked. I didn't have my keys or my phone, and Asa was still an hour away. I screamed a few expletives, freaked out for a minute, and then ran to our scary neighbors to ask for their phone. I called the MPs on their phone, and then the husband ran around our house half naked trying to find a way to get in. I assured him that there was no way in, and I trusted that the MPs were on their way so he took his naked butt home. Then, I crouched by the door for what felt like an hour trying to assure Marley that I was coming back. She cried "Mommy, come back!" It broke my heart.
In reality, there were about 15 minutes between the time I called and when the guy showed up. He opened the door and Marley and I both just sat on the floor crying for a while. I felt horrible, like I had broken her heart, and she was probably just crying because I was crying. But the night eventually ended, we all got a good amount of sleep, and got to wake up in our house on Monday morning.
Monday was a busy day since we needed to go grocery shopping and clean the house. But Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were literally the most lazy days I have had in forever. Marley didn't seem to mind. She loved hanging out in the house with me all day.
Today, we went to a football game for Asa's battalion and I helped run our booth of hot dogs and chili dogs. Marley had a blast hanging out with all of her friends. I kept saying that I couldn't believe how friendly she was being and how happy she was. Even though her hands were freezing and her nose was bright red, she was running all over the place with the girls with the biggest smile on her face! Tomorrow, we are spending the day at the Bollins' house while Asa helps Tony do some things in the backyard. So, right now Marley and I are curled up in bed thawing our toes and fingers from the day while Asa drives one of his friends to Springfield. Asa has Monday off, so we will hopefully get to do something fun on Sunday!
I'm sorry it took so long to write all of this, butI promise to do better!