Marley is getting a little more independent lately and likes to spend time in her bedroom playing by herself. She doesn't roll cars around or play with animals in her farm... she lines everything up.
She puts all the books in a row and face-down. She will re-arrange them and get them in just the perfect order that she wants and then stand back proudly.

She also lines up her little people. She gets them just the way the wants them and squeals at her accomplishment. She taps every littler person on the head with her finger and says a "Hello" for each one. They have moved from her bedroom to the kitchen now, all lined up watching Marley eat. If someone knocks one over, she yells "UH OH! UH OH!" until we can put it back just right.

She also likes her blocks just right. Sometimes I will come in and they are perfectly in a line like the books and dolls, and sometimes they are built into towers all over the room.

They also make great stands for lining up the little people!
She is so meticulous and works so hard to get all these things the way she wants them. For months I have been meaning to write a post about her unofficial OCD. She matches things, lines them up, organizes, sorts... she may be even more of a perfectionist than I was when I was younger!
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