Thursday, July 22, 2010


Marley is in the constantly-changing-clothes phase. I literally have to hide clothes from her, because the second she sees a new shirt or a random sock she wants to completely re-do her outfit around that item. She disappears into her room for ten minutes, pulls open all her drawers, takes her favorite clothes out of the closet, and then re-appears with a whole new look.I have given up on fighting with her about getting matching outfits on, and now we just leave the house like this! I think it's cute and she gets to be creative about what she wears! I'm sure all the other moms at the store understand why she is wearing whatever she's wearing. Asa came home yesterday and said, "You must have gotten yourself dressed today!"

Let's just hope her vision changes a little if she becomes a fashion designer in the future! I don't know how popular her looks would be!

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