Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I just want to say that solid-food baby poop is gross. I have never really cared about changing Marley's diaper, but now I am constantly tricking Asa into doing it before he realizes what happened.

Tomorrow she gets to try her next food. She is not exactly loving the bananas anymore, but she still tolerates it. I am so worried about all of this food stuff. I don't want to give her the wrong thing or keep her on pureed food too long. Or what if I give her something she is not ready for? How do I know? And how do you keep up with everything I feed her? Do I have to keep a journal of everything I feed her? Actually, that's probably a good idea. I feel like I am all of the sudden a "real" mom. I have to actually keep up with when I am going to feed her something and how much. Breastfeeding has been so easy because it's just one thing to remember: hungry=boob. Now, hungry= boob, or cereal, or fruit, or a vegetable, or juice. I want to make sure I give her the right amount of stuff everyday... this is complicated...

This morning I went to find out about the Early Childhood Lab. There are at least 4 spots available for August, but more if some of the kids in the infant class leave for some reason. You can apply anytime in March, but it's first come first serve. They give priority to the people with siblings already int he school and then the children whose parents are full-time SFA employees. We do not fit into either of those. That is really the only place I would feel comfortable leaving her. Not that I want to leave her somewhere in the first place though. I am worried about it all. I don't know if I trust someone to take care of Marley as well as I can. I would be so sad leaving her someplace all day and the seeing her for two or three hours every evening before she goes to sleep. But, I forgot to find out how much the Lab is, so that is really the deciding factor. If we can't afford it, it's not an option.

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