Friday, February 6, 2009

P is for Party!

My little pumpkin is doing better. She is still not 100%, but getting there. She is sleeping well again, but that may be all the drugs she's on. She is still not eating like normal, but more than a couple of days ago. I am worried about her 6 month appointment, which is on Monday. She is scheduled to get shots, but I really don't want her to have to get them if she still isn't feeling well. I might cancel it until later in the week.

Tomorrow is Marley's half-birthday! We are going to have a Halfsie Party tomorrow night at my mom's So, this evening, I went and bought her a few things, just so she could open something tomorrow. We bought her bath toys! I thought that was something fun that we were going to have to buy soon anyway. Now, we need to buy her something to keep all these toys in. I also bought two pairs of BabyLegs tonight that should come next week. We still need to buy a highchair! I think we are going to get on that you put in a regular chair. It's technically a booster seat, but it does the exact same thing as a highchair. I am also going to look online for a fun bath mat for the tub. So, this is not all for her "birthday", but it's just stuff I wanted to get.

I have pictures that I want to put up, but eveytime I try to do it, it doesn't work. So, I'll try again later.

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