We went to Asa's dad's house Friday night for a party. Saturday morning was graduation for two of Asa's sisters, so we went to that. We asked Emily V. to text us when they started to call names. At like 9:45 am she sent us a message and Asa is like, "We have to go right now!" (This should have been the part where I said, "What exactly did the text say?") We rush around and throw things in the car and speed up to the school, illegally park, and rush in. They haven't called a single name. Asa gets out his phone and tells me what the message said. It had actually said, "I will text you when they start calling names..." Good job, Asa. So, Marley slept through it luckily and it was over in like an hour. Then, on to another party at Asa's mom's house. See the previous blog to find out how that went...

We went and bought a warm mist humidifier and we are trying to keep her suctioned. Other than that there isn't much we can do. Except extra lovin'! Her little cough is so pitiful and cute! She is getting so big too. I don't know how it can possibly happen so fast! she still hasn't rolled over since Thanksgiving. She doesn't even try anymore. So, I don't think it counts really. Her legs are really strong though. She can stand up for 30 seconds or so with me holding her with one hand. Since she hasn't been very happy the past few days, I feel like she hasn't been learning very much. It might be silly to feel like that. But I do. She just wants to sleep all the time right now... which is good for the laundry in our room, but bad for learning time.

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