Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Breast Feeding

One of the first things my mother asked me after she had recovered from the initial shock of me being pregnant was, "Are you going to breastfeed?" This is a common questions for people to ask a pregnant woman (at least those that know you well enough). I usually told people that I was going to try. My mom nursed me for 14 months, Chris for 8 months, and Emily for 2 years. I really didn't read much about it during my pregnancy, I just wanted to try it out.

Well, it is the best decision I have made. I honestly don't know why you would choose otherwise, unless you physically couldn't do it. It is the most powerful, rewarding, and wonderful thing. I remember when they wheeled me in from recovery from the c-section. The nurse came in and was rattling all this stuff at me. Then she asked if I was going to breast feed. I said yes, and she said "Let me see your nipples." weird look to nurse, pull down gown "Oooo, you are going to have a hard time. You have flat nipples." Ok, side note. If you are pregnant with your first child and want to breast feed ask you doctor about this ahead of time! This is not the moment you want to find this out. Anyway, I was very sad. They brought me a nipple shield and my mom stayed to help me try it. When I tried to feed Marley for the first time without the shield we did not have very much luck. But as soon as I put it on, she did great. Nursing her in the hospital was rather easy. Every time she was hungry I would try without the shield first, but most of the time we needed it. Other than that, it came naturally. I know that most women have more problems than this and there are plenty of reasons why breast feeding is hard. But, I think it is so worth it.

When we got home from the hospital, I was determined to not need the nipple shield. Asa kept telling me not to worry about it, because I was lucky to be able to do it in the first place. But it was such a hassle. I was going to make this work. After about two weeks, we had it. We threw away the shield and never needed it again.

I am very lucky that things have gone smoothly since then. The feeling of being able to give your child the best food for them is amazing. I am in no way bashing anyone who doesn't do it because I truly believe it is a personal decision. You have to do what works for you and your baby in the long run.

Besides the obvious benefits for Marley, here are some benefits for me:
- I get way more sleep at night. Being able to put her in bed with me and not have to hold anything means that I can just go back to sleep while she eats.
- No work needed. When out in public, you don't have to find somewhere to get clean water and mix a bottle. It's right there, perfect temperature, ready to go.
- It reduces your risk of breast cancer.
- It is such an intense bonding experience. Here is this thing that only you can give your baby. And your baby knows it. There is nothing better than her pulling away and giving me a huge smile. It gives you the feeling that you are best mom in the world and that you are giving your baby the greatest gift.

This is all the incentive I need to keep going. I plan to do it as long as Marley wants. I am very lucky to be able to have her at the office with me during the day. I know it would be easier for me and even Carrie if I was bottle feeding her, but this is so important to me that it is worth it. And it doesn't embarrass me. I have not fed her in a restaurant yet... I have planned around it so far. But, I am sure I will. I have every right to. And anyone who is embarrassed can look the other way.

For anyone who is thinking about breastfeeding, at least try it. Get help if there is a problem. Just because our bodies were meant to do it, does not mean it is easy. I am actually looking into becoming a lactation consultant. I think it would be a very rewarding job for me.

So, thank you Mom. You gave all of us a fabulous gift and I appreciate you more every time I sit down to feed Marley. I hope that one day Marley will appreciate what I am doing. It is not any easy job, but it is the best job.

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