Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sassy Mama

I really feel like I have turned into a bitch the past few days. I have make sassy remarks to Asa's family and given really bad looks to other ones. Maybe I am just in a bad mood... maybe I'm stressed... or maybe I'm tired.

Today, there was another party at Asa's mom's house. His Grandma Shirley was also there. This was the third time she had met Marley. I feed Marley in the other room and then come out into the living room where everyone is waiting. They can't stand to wait for Asa to burp her, so he has to hand her over immediately to Grandma Shirley. So, what does she do? She spits up... like all babies... Then, this is what happens:

Gma Shirley: I think someone fed her too much!
Me: Oh, she always does that...
Gma: No, you fed her too much.
Me: evil look
Someone else: Oh, that's normal.
Gma to Gpa: She fed her too much.
Me: Maybe if you quit bouncing her she wouldn't spit up on you...

What the heck! She is my baby and I know how much to feed her! Excuse me if I have been doing it every three hours for four months now and you haven't done it once! Get off my butt!

Ok, maybe this story doesn't sound that sassy, but if you know about the fact that I am normally a quiet person who keeps her mouth shut no matter what, then this is pretty impressive. I imagine saying stuff like this all the time, but rarely do. It kind of made me feel like a grown up to get an attitude, but it made me feel mean at the same time.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

So, Jeffrey's Mum right, she's totally like this. Just little things that irk the hell out of me, like hovering right over me when I'm nursing, saying stupid shit like "watch her head!" (I mean come the hell on, I know where her head is!!), or trying to tell me "Oh she's tired", "oh she's hungry", "Oh she's gassy"... NO SHE'S NOT! and if she were, I would effing tell you, not the other way around!!

Alright, sorry. I didn't mean to turn this into a MIL vent. What I wanted to say... I used to vent about Jeffrey's Mum in my blog too. And then guess what? She found it!! For real, there was some pretty offensive crap in there, but she took it really well, apologized for helecoptering, and I deleted the nasty posts. But she's still effing annoying, and she still reads my blog, so I can't even vent about her in my damn online journal because I feel like a total asshole.

I keep getting side-tracked. I just wanted to say that I can totally relate.

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