Tuesday, December 9, 2008


We took Marley to her appointment this morning. We were running late, so we literally rushed to get there. Now I feel like an idiot since we waited in the waiting room for at least an hour! Those people are so slow. Asa said he was going to "yell" at them if they made us wait... but I told him to forget about it. Every single doctor's office is like this. We once waited for 2 hours in the waiting room of the OBGYN. She was probably delivering someone else's baby. Didn't she know I was WAY more important?!

Anyway, we are waiting with all the sick kids again when they finally call our name. She gets weighed (14 lbs 10 oz.) and measured (24 inches). I can't believe she is so big already. I just look down at her all the sudden and she is so much bigger than the day before. I swear she gets noticeably bigger every night. So, then we stand in the hallway until they have a room for us! I felt so awkward waiting outside the doors where I could hear everything that was going on inside them. I just stared at the walls and waited. Finally they let us in.

I had planned to tell the doctor that this time she had to do the exam first and then the shots so that I could immediately comfort/feed her. But they did it that way without me having to tell them. The doctor said "good mama" when I told her I was still breastfeeding. She said that I need to start giving her a vitamin everyday. I'll look into that...

Then came the shots. She was okay for like 5 seconds and then realized what had happened and started screaming. They only gave her two shots, but it made me so sad. As soon as she was done, I swooped her up and fed her. It took her a while to calm down enough to eat, but she did. And we even got a smile before we left the office.

It is now pouring here. The windows at work are rattling when it thunders. Perfect napping weather. But, instead Asa and Marley are at home napping while I work. I would give anything to be in my warm bed with my babies right now.

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