Well, the night played out a little differently. We took a family nap and realized 30 minutes before the parade that we needed to get up. So, I didn't get to take a shower and make my hair cute for those perfect photos. Then, I couldn't find any cute, warm clothes for Marley to wear. This poor little girl only has one hat that fits her head and it is not warm at all. I also realized that I do not have a warm hat or coat for that matter (since I am still carrying extra weight around). We got there late, so we could not sit down to watch the show. I realized about 20 minutes in that I had not fed Marley before we left like I planned. So, she started getting fussy. No gloves. No hot chocolate. No warm and cute. But we did get lots of aaawwws about what an adorable little darling we have. She even got her picture taken and got put on the Daily Sentinel website! Yay! She slept through the whole thing. We tried to hide in stores when the fire trucks and police cars came by in the parade and did their sirens. Thanks a lot guys.

Today was a stressful day. I had a test at 4 that I was really worried about. Granted, it was my only final, but any final with a FOUR MONTH OLD (!!) is stressful. I pretty much failed. I would be upset about it if I needed the class for my major, but I don't. I really did try, but I couldn't do it. So, I had Asa keep Marley all day so that I could study at work in my free time. He brought her up there to eat, but other than that I didn't see her. I really missed her. According to Asa she slept the whole day. She is a growin' baby. Her four month appointment (with shots) in tomorrow. Not looking forward to that.
I got my Moby Wrap today and I love it! Marley loves it too! I haven't actually worn it anywhere besides the house, but I will make a trip somewhere tomorrow just so that I can wear it. It is so comfy!
Marley and Kima bonded tonight. It was the cutest thing! Marley just reached out and PET Kima on the head! She doesn't know she can pull her hair yet, so she was very nice about it. Kima turned around and gave Marley a few kisses. They are going to be best friends!
We also got a glimpse of the attitude our sweet, Innocent little darlin' is developing...

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