Thursday, October 9, 2008

2 months old

Marley went to her 2 month appointment on Monday. She now weighs in at 11 pounds and 7 ounces and is 22 inches long! She is growing so fast! We tried a new doctor, Dr. Sokunbi. I really liked her a lot and she seemed more attentive and concerned about things than Dr. Smith. Marley had to get three shots and, of course, she hated it. She cried for a while, but after I nursed her, she was fine. The hardest part for me was that she was just doing fine and then all the sudden they would poke her and she would look so scared. It made me so sad. I had read that if you could nurse her during or right after the shot that she would handle it a little better, but I couldn't because the doctor came in right after. We had to give her Tylenol every four hours for 24 hours to help her not get a fever. She actually didn't cry or anything when I gave it to her. She just kind of looked at me like "What is this?".

She has also started to really respond to me. For two months I feel like i have been forcing her to look at me, but now she actually interacts with me! She will stick out her tongue when I do it and coo at me when I do it. It is so fun to see her watch me and try to figure out how to do it. She has also started to be in a good mood more often, instead of just in the mornings. It makes my day every time I see her smile! She hasn't been able to reach for anything yet, but she is getting close. She has found her hands a few times and started to suck on them. That is supposed to help her figure out they are hers. I get more excited everyday for all the new things that are going to happen!

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