Wednesday, October 29, 2008

12 weeks

Mimi came into town this last weekend! I got some really good pictures of Mimi and Marley together. She actually loved Mimi. Mimi knew how to calm her down and make her happy! It was really good to see her and I was so glad she came to see us. We are going to her house for Thanksgiving... that will be Marley's first road trip!! We also went to our first full swim meet. Aunt Emily did a great job! Asa also swam in the Alumni Relay. they lost, but he did a wonderful job! Marley got to see her Daddy swim!
We had our appointment with Dr. Tate on Monday for Marley's tongue. He wants to wait until she is 8 or 9 months old to clip it. Everything will be easier to see then. They will have to gas her to put her to sleep, then the procedure takes about 5 or 10 minutes. I am really nervous about giving her the gas because there is always a risk with that stuff. But, I want her to be able to talk clearly...
She had a really fussy spell Monday and Tuesday. I still don't know what was wrong, but she wouldn't sleep and just kept crying. I did let her sleep late both days. If I don't wake her, she will sleep until about 10:30 am! This morning I woke her up and brought her to work with me. So, hopefully today will be more of her regular schedule. It makes me so upset for her to cry like that. I try not to get frustrated because I know it makes her worse, but it makes me so sad! I cried last night because I just didn't know how to help her.

On Friday Carrie wanted to take some pictures of Marley, so we dressed her up and went to town. Carrie has a really nice camera (hopefully our's is coming int he next few days)! I didn't know I would be in the pictures... so that's why I don't look so good.

Mimi also brought Marley her first Halloween costume when she came. She is going to be a pumpkin! (That's what I call her, my pumpkin). So, we don't have anywhere to go for Halloween, but we will definitely take pictures in the costume.

1 comment:

Emily said...

hahaha... as i read this blog i was trying to figure out what i did that was great at the swim meet... then i realized... it was the other aunt emily... haha sometimes i am slow

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