Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I Hate Summer

I used to love summer... but I think after this one, I will never feel the same about them. I can't even walk to the car at this point without sweating. It's miserable!!!!! I feel so ugly because I can't leave my hair down or wear make-up anywhere. But the good news is... it will be over soon! I officially have about a month!

I went to the doctor on Tuesday. I had been getting really hot, even in the AC, getting headaches that lasted a while, and sweating while I'm just sitting there. So, she checked my blood pressure and it was a little higher than it should have been for me. The nurse also said that my face and hands looked a little swollen. So they said they needed to run some tests and would call me later that afternoon to let me know what they said. So, the nurse hands me a piece of paper that has all the tests on it. I really just thought she was just letting me know what was going on, which I appreciated. So, I go to work. At 4:45 that afternoon, one of the other nurses calls me and says that they haven't gotten my results from the hospital and wanted to know when I went over there... well, I didn't know I was supposed to. Oh, and the lab closes at 5:00! So, I rush over there to get my blood drawn (the most painful one I have ever had). So, yesterday the doctor's office calls and tells me that it all turned out fine. They want to keep checking my blood pressure twice a week.

In other exciting news, my mom is coming home tonight, I am getting a 90 minute massage on Friday, and I have an ultrasound scheduled for Saturday! Three exciting things in a row! I am really excited to see the baby since I haven't seen it in a few months. It will probably look like a bigger version of what I saw then, but I am still looking forward to it.

I was thinking this morning about how neat it is to be pregnant. I love the feeling. Sure, there are things that everyone hates about it like the swollen ankles, heartburn, not being able to sleep... but there are so many things about it that feel wonderful. I am really going to miss the feeling of the baby moving inside me, the look of my huge, round belly, and just feeling like I am completely taking care of someone. I will miss it, but I also know it will be even more exciting to actually have the baby here!

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