Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Well... I went to the the doctor today and I am 2 centimeters dilated already! Which is good since I was worried that I wasn't even having "practice contractions". They checked my blood pressure and it was still a little higher than it should be. So, Dr. Hill wants me to come in twice a week and check my blood pressure. If at some point it is getting too high, we will talk about induction. Then, she said that she will be out of town from the 11th to the 13th. So, if she feels that I might have the baby during that time, she will probably induce me on the 8th! She really sounded like it would probably come before the 22nd though. Your blood pressure just gets a little higher everyday at this point in pregnancy, so there is really no telling. It will just be a day-by-day thing that we will have to keep everyone updated about! I am nervous, but so excited!

We had an ultrasound on Saturday. We had a full room with me, Asa, my mom, Joel, Emily, and Donna all there to see it. Unfortunately, the baby did not want any of us to see its face and kept it hidden. But we will see it soon enough! The estimate was that the baby weighs around 5 pounds, 11 ounces right now. And that's right on target! So, all that worrying about the baby being too big was not really necessary. It makes me feel good that I have been taking care of myself the way I should. My blood pressure isn't really something I can change, so I just need to rest inside as much as I can.

I think it kind of hit Asa at the appointment how quickly this may be happening. We got home and he asked if he could skip work today and build the shelves in the baby's closet. He is really excited and I can finally tell. He has always been excited, but it always seemed so far away... until now! Even if things don't change and we last until our due date, that's still only three weeks away! I feel like we have so much to do between now and then!

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