Friday, October 19, 2012

day 40: having so much fun

Aunt Noah and Grandpa were here today, but Asa had to work most of the day.  So we spent most of our time at home.  But that doesn't mean we didn't have fun!  Vivi loved being pushed around by Asa in this truck.  Adults always get sick of games like that way before the kids do.  Every trip would end right here in front of us and she would have the biggest smile on her face and sign "more."  She was so happy!

We learned that Aunt Noah loves dance parties as much as Marley and Vivi do!  Marley was all decked out in princess dresses, jamming around the living room with Aunt Noah and Vivi.  The had so much fun.

 I love how confident Marley is in her dancing.  I was always nervous about what other people thought of my dancing and I try not to let that creep into our girls' heads.  I want them to dance however they want to and love it.

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