Tuesday, September 11, 2012

365 project

I started a new project today.  It's a big project.  A picture of each girl, every day for an entire year.

There are a few reasons I want to do this.

First, I want the pictures and memories that this will provide me with.  I want to remember special things the girls do and I want them to have these memories to look back on.

Secondly, it will encourage me to get out my camera every day and take pictures of something.  Most days, my camera sits alone and I want to be using it more.  This will hopefully help me learn to use it better and help the creative juices flow.

Lastly, I think it will be fun!

I will probably not be able to post them every single day, but I will take them every day and may end up posting several days worth at a time.

Join us!

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