Monday, May 21, 2012

Bike Riding and Sprinklers

This weekend, we got Marley her first bike.  She has been practicing with the bikes every time we go to Walmart.  She had picked out helmets, talked about bike accessories, and asked us every time we passed a bike, "Can I have a bike one day?"  So, she finally got one.    
And needless to say, she was beyond excited.  She was jumping up and down at the store and when we brought it home in the box.  (Surprisingly, she was totally okay with not getting a pink bike covered in princessess.  Who says girls can't have an orange bike?!)

But once Asa took it out of the box, she was a little nervous.  Her face changed to a more serious look and I could tell she was unsure.  I have realized in her three years old life that Marley does things at her own time.  If I push her to do something, she won't or tells me she can't.  But if we wait it out and let her decide on her own time, she is happy and motivated to accomplish it.  So, I just talked about how great it looked and how perfect it would be.  And I hoped she would catch on and get excited again.

When Asa got it finished, she climbed on.  She looked so adorable in her purple helmet and hippie dress.  She looked ready to go, but she was still nervous.  She had a very serious expression as we helped her navigate down the hill in front of our house. 
Once the sidewalk got flat, I stepped back a little and let her get a feel for it by herself.  She still wasn't smiling, but she was pedaling and making progress down the concrete.

All of the sudden, she realized what she was doing.  She stopped and looked behind her at the distance she had traveled, then turned back to me with her mouth wide open.  She was so proud.  I love seeing that look on her face, when she believes in herself and feels like she did something amazing.  I can tell her how great she is doing or how far she has gone, but it doesn't get a reaction like that.  I love seeing her get that excitement and joy because she knows she did it. 

She was on a post-bike-ride high when we played in the backyard that afternoon.  We set up our new sprinkler for her to play in, and she had a blast.

 I love seeing my girl this happy.  Here's to an amazing, sunny, fulfilling summer!

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