Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Traveling, Moving, Unpacking, Adjusting

It all started last Monday.  We started our road trip at 4:30 in the morning and traveled for 8 hours that day.  The girls did amazingly in the car.  Vivi played, slept, and sang.  Marley slept, watched movies, and talked. 
 We got to Tulsa in time for lunch and much-needed time to spread out and crawl around!
Tuesday, we drove the rest of the way to Fort Leonard Wood.  After lunch at Panera, we headed to the community center where I was immediately taken to see a house!  I only had one house to choose from, so I signed a lease and the house was mine!  It isn't an updated one, but it is ours.  And it is the house Asa will come home to.  So, it is perfect in my eyes!

Wednesday, we moved all day.  I was so fortunate to have my mom, Joel, and Emily there to help us.  So someone could always be with the girls.  Also, the weather was fantastic that day!  So, Marley and Emily got to walk to the nearest park and moving everything was so much easier.  We actually emptied the entire storage unit that day, except for the canoe.  

And it's a good thing we did, because we woke up Thursday morning to snow!  Marley was beyond excited!  She and Emily played outside for a long time in the snow, and even met our neighbor and his two-year-old daughter.  Marley had so much fun with Emily in the snow that she has since cried about the snow being gone.  
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday were spent unpacking and getting comfortable.  I wouldn't have gotten nearly as many things unpacked and moved around if my family hadn't been there.  My mom and Emily helped me make many, many lists.  We took several shopping trips, got organized, bought rugs and shelves and chairs and anything else we could think of to get as settled as we could.  And the girls played with all their toys as we unpacked them.

 And Marley helped in any way she could!  She was desperate to be a part of everything!
My family left early Sunday morning.  So, as I'm writing this, I have been here alone for 4 days.  And I am really trying to make the best of it.  But from where I sit, the next two-ish months until Asa comes home seem overwhelming.  And I'm wondering, why did I move up here so early?

I got a calendar from the community center with activities I can go to.  I just haven't yet.  And there is a story time at the library on Tuesdays.  We didn't go to that either.  They have an indoor playground I can use anytime.  But I haven't done that either.  I know I need to.  I have to get out of the house or I will lose my mind.  And I want Marley to have some friends to play with.  And in order for her to have some friends, I have to find some for her!  But I have just been completely unmotivated for these first few days.  I have a To Do list a mile long and none of it is getting done.

I have never not lived with another adult.  This is the first time in my life that it is totally up to me to do everything around the house and take care of two kids.  And it's hard!  But I also feel like it's important.  Ever since Asa and I started dating, I have depended on him to be the social one and I just sort of stand back and let him.  But he's not here and this is my chance to change that.  This is my chance to branch out and try something new.  I have spent 4 days feeling sorry for myself, but I just cannot do it anymore.  My girls need some friends, and so do I!

The hands-down best thing about the last four days has been the time with my girls.  They have both been amazing and I am pleasantly surprised about how well they are adjusting.  I feel like I have been getting to enjoy them a little bit more these last few days.  We have spent most of our time on the floor thinking up new games, having dance parties, laughing, and making tents out of blankets.  I feel so much closer to them and I feel like I am really giving them the time they deserve. 
Thank goodness I have them to keep me smiling.  I love them more than anything and they are my main motivation to make these two months really count for something.  I just can't think of it like we are waiting around for Asa to come home.  I need to change my view and start thinking of this as my chance to start our lives, make some friends, and be social!  I haven't totally figured out how to do that yet.

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