Friday, December 9, 2011

Tea Party

Vivienne got invited to her first tea party.
She didn't attend the teat party in a fancy dress like the hostess, Marley. 
But she gave her best effort to sit up and act like a little lady at the tea party!
She also tried very hard not to spill her (imaginary) tea.
But sometimes she missed her mouth a little bit.
Luckily, the hostess was understanding and cheered for her. "Look, Momma!  She's learning to hold her cup!  She's learning to drink!"

These girls have so many tea parties in their future!  I cannot wait until they are sitting at a table together, wearing dress-up clothes and big hats.  I'm sure, though, that even then Marley will be telling Vivi exactly what to do and how to tea party!

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