Wednesday, October 19, 2011


This is her look every time someone else is holding her and she sees me walk by!  She loves her Mama.
Letter Fishing!  Her new favorite game!

I'm starting to put her in pajamas at night.  Marley needed to be swaddled until she was 8 months old!  But Vivi has a little more control of herself, so she can sleep like a big girl!

This is the look I get every time I I do something she doesn't like.  Confused and grumpy.
But this is a pretty happy face!
Her little bunch of hair on top of her head!  It's so adorable!

1 comment:

Dad said...

Where did the dress MJ is wearing come from!?I absolutely love it!All the pictures were great.I laughed at a lot of them.I love you!

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