Friday, October 21, 2011

Googly Eyes

I was making lunch today and Marley was quietly playing in her playroom.  She came in with a huge smile on her face.  She had glued googly eyes to her eyelids.  I thought it was hilarious, so we both laughed and I she stuck some on my eyes.  I even posted a picture of her on Facebook!
Then, I asked her to clean up all the little eyes so that we could eat lunch. 
She came back in a few minutes later and said, "Mommy, can you get the google eyes out of my nose?'

"Are you serious, Marley?"  I looked and couldn't see anything.  "Are you serious?  Did you really stick them up your nose?!"

"Yes I did!  Two of them!"  She thought it was funny.

My first thought was, "Shit.  Looks like we're going to the hospital."  But I just looked at her shocked for a moment, like I had no idea where to start.  She doesn't do this kind of thing!

So, I ran and got some tissue and asked her to blow.  She did and nothing came out.

I got on shoes, picked up the diaper bag, found my phone to call my mom.  I was in full freakout mode.  Looking back now, it wasn't that much of an emergency.  But the first time something like this happens, I can freak a little bit!  Right?

I was about to go get Vivi out of bed and throw them in the car, but I decided to try one more time.  She blew her nose and one large googly eye came out.  Relief!

"Are there two?  Or just one?" I asked.  There were two.  So, she blew again and another large one came out. 

It was all okay.  I had a moment to scold myself for leaving her alone.  And I took a moment to explain not to put anything ever in your nose.

So, I thought about if I had ever done that as a kid.  I asked my mom and turns out I hadn't.  Mommy never put a single thing on her nose (other than probably my finger).  But you know who I bet did put plenty of things in his nose?

That's damn right.  Daddy!

For a long time, we all thought that Marley was going to have a similar personality to me.  But she is turning into her Daddy more and more every day.

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