Friday, May 6, 2011

31 Weeks Pregnant

I am 31 weeks pregnant! I cannot believe that. Time is going by so quickly and I still have so much that I need to do! It is really starting to get real to me that we are having another baby. I am picturing life with two kids and loving what I see. I have 9 weeks until my due date! When I think about how quickly the last week went for me, I am nervous about how quickly the next weeks will go!

The baby moves all the time, and get hiccups several times a day. I can tell he or she is flopping all over the place because the movements are so big. They definitely aren't those little kicks anymore. The baby will stretch out a limb as far as my belly will let it, and I sit there wondering if it's going to go back down! Sometimes I feel the hiccups right under my ribs and sometimes I feel them down in my pelvis. But I usually feel the baby the exact same way I felt Marley, head down and kicking my ribs. I am carrying this baby the exact same way I did Marley, very high. Which makes me wonder about what this baby is. When we had our very first ultrasound, I immediately thought the baby was a boy. But for weeks now I have felt for sure that this baby is a girl. Not a single person in the world knows though! It's a mystery until the big day!

I had an appointment last Tuesday that went pretty well. I was measuring 28 weeks, which the doctor didn't seem worried about. The baby's heartbeat was 146 beats per minute, my blood pressure was great, and my weight was... well acceptable! I also had a chance to talk to the doctor a little bit about how labor and delivery might go. I am trying, hoping, crossing my fingers for a VBAC this time around. I have been reading books, doing research, and trying to learn as much as I can so that I don't go into this birth with no idea what is going on like I did with Marley. I was unprepared and naive. And although I have the same doctor this time around, I really feel confident that things will go differently. I have a hard time speaking my mind and standing up for myself, so that is my biggest worry. I feel like I know much more this time, I just have to find it in myself to say what I should.

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