Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Our dear friend, Bolta

I don't think I have ever mentioned Marley's imaginary friend, Bolta. She started talking about him months ago, and we have no idea where she came up with that name. But here's what we do know:

He has been invited to dinner countless times, but we are always stood up.

Every single time Marley gets a hold of a phone, she needs to call him. And he seems to do a lot of the talking, because Marley only ever has time to say "uh huh" and "ok, bye!"

He has had a lot of jobs in the past. He has worked at the grocery store, the movie theater, Walmart, many restaurants, and at Mimi's work. But his latest job is at Daddy's work. However, I don't know how he ever gets any work done with all the talking on the phone he has been doing!

He lives in Missouri sometimes, Texas sometimes, and most recently under a stage at Beaver's Bend in Oklahoma.

For the past week, Marley has been reporting that he came to our house and took all kinds of things. She whispers in my ear, "Bolta came to our house and took our couch (or lamp, or cup, or shirt, or chair)!" None of those things are missing, but for some reason she just wants to get him in trouble!

He was supposedly at our house for Christmas, but we never actually appeared anywhere.

So, as you can see, we do not know a whole lot about him. Everyone pictures something different. If you see Bolta anywhere, please snap a picture with him and ask him why he keeps standing us up for dinner!

1 comment:

Mindy said...

Bolta probably heard that Marley was in the kitchen whipping up one of her delicious "dirt" meals and decided to grab dinner elsewhere. Some people are sooooo picky!

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