Yesterday, we spent the day in Lufkin with Emily V., Bonnie, Malachi, Bill, and Mary. We all went to the zoo together, and had a good time walking around together.

When we walked up to the Hippo window, I said "I've never seen anything exciting happen with the Hippos..." Just then, Mr. Hippo came right up to the window, staring at us. Both of the hippos spent about 10 minutes swimming right in front of the window, and we were all amazed at how active they were. The Lufkin Zoo isn't much, but it was worth the trip to see the hippos.

She was willing to sit on this lion and pose for a picture this time. The last time we went to the zoo, she refused to go anywhere near it!

I have noticed lately that I haven't been taking nearly as many pictures as I used to. I was trying to figure out why that was, and I think it has to do with the fact that Marley doesn't really cooperate for pictures anymore. I used to be able to call her name to get her to look towards me, and then I could get some pretty good pictures. Now, she just completely ignores me when I call her name. She knows what I'm going to do and she couldn't care less! So, I have tried to get creative about how to get her attention. For this particular shot, I bribed her with Goldfish. Hey, whatever works, right?

Aunt Emily bought Marley a souvenier from the zoo: her very own baby and mommy monkeys. She has been taking very good care of them since she got them yesterday, always making sure they stay together and are never hungry!

Later that night, we called Asa and Marley told him everything she had seen at the zoo.
"Heeppos, gigers, monkeys, keacocks, teertles, and squirrels!"
I could tell Asa was sad he missed it, and he made us promise that we can all go together when he comes down here. It has to be hard to hear about the things you are missing, and that will definitely not be fun for an entire year. I worry about how he will feel when he has missed a year worth of activities. How do I make it easier?
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