Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Busy Life

Blogger will not let me upload pictures! I have two different posts about camping, pictures of Marley's Halloween costume, and other random pictures to show, but every time I try to upload them, it tells me I can't! So, I will just keep trying!

There has been a lot going on here lately. Asa's mom came to visit us for a week, and the last weekend she was here we spent camping. Then we had a pretty relaxing week around the house, and Asa got to have a lot of time off of work. Last weekend was our anniversary, so we decided to rent a camper from the Outdoor Adventure Center on post and head to Osage Beach! I will eventually post pictures of all of that. We had a blast! Asa even surprised me and dropped me off at a spa on Saturday afternoon with an appointment! I have an amazing husband!

This week is crazy busy. Yesterday, I rushed all over town trying to get the things I needed for Marley's costume. Then, I spent the rest of the day making it and getting ready for the FRG meeting at 5. We spent almost two hours at the meeting, which was full of good information. Today, I baked two kinds of muffins, and made a casserole for the Bollins since Ami still isn't feeling well. I am trying to use up everything in the fridge, so we have lots of cooking coming up the rest of the week. Wednesday is the fall festival here, that we are taking Marley to. The rest of this week I also have to pack up our clothes for November in Nacogdoches, help Asa pack for November at JRTC, get Marley three more shots, clean the house, pick up some ceramics in Rolla, and clean out the fridge. I will be busy!

So, on Monday Asa heads to Louisiana with his company, and I will head to Nacogdoches to spend some time with our families! I'm excited to see them, but not excited about not seeing Asa. I don't even know if I will be able to talk to him on the phone while he is there. In some ways, three weeks seems like nothing. We have made it much longer than that before. But, at the same time, three weeks seems like a big deal when I think about how much time we have left before he deploys.

Marley has been doing great. She literally says new words all the time, words I have no idea she knew. Today she said "jeans," "clean," and "over." Some of my other favorite words she says now are "broken," and "holla!" The other day she heard Asa says "dude" and then we heard her say "Dude Holla!" And, she learned "go away" this weekend while I was singing Rain Rain Go Away with her.

She has been loving to help me in the kitchen. She runs in and says "Help?!" She makes a little bit of a mess, but it makes her so happy! She still has a bit of a listening problem, like most two year olds, but she is a good sport when she has to go to timeout. She waits patiently for us to get her, and she usually doesn't do whatever it is she got in trouble for. She has gotten obsessed with Dora since we signed up for Netflix a month ago. She is only allowed to watch on episode a day, and she knows that when it's over she needs to do something else. Most days it's not a fight and she moves on happily.

I'll keep trying to upload pictures, but it may not really happen until I get to Nacogdoches. I hate that I get things posted so late, because I like it to all be in order and on time. But we are busy this week! And I know y'all understand!

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