Sunday, October 31, 2010
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween, from my sweet...
but tart little strawberry!
(who had to be bribed with cookies to participate in picture taking!)
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Walking the Babies
Marley loves to take her babies on walks. Now, when I mention going on a walk, she runs through the house gathering her babies, the stroller, and her purse. Just like a little bity Mommy.
And she's very serious about it! If those babies even try to move around in that stroller, she immediately stops and fixes them back.
But before she starts again, she kisses each one on the forehead to remind them that she loves them. Even if they try to move around while she's strolling them.

She sure is going to be a fantastic Mommy one day! Makes me so proud!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Happy Wedding Anniversary (3 days late...)
Happy One Year Wedding Anniversary to us! Remember this from a year ago? When I think back on this day, I am so happy with how everything turned out and I just wish I could do it all over again!
Our Wedding from Jillian Shaw on Vimeo.
Camping, Weekend One
I have mentioned before that I LOVE fall! And when Asa and I were dating and didn't have a little Marley with us, we tried to go camping every month. It's something that both of us grew up doing, and we always talk about how we want camping to be one of our family traditions with our kids. It's hard to go camping with a baby, but now that Marley is a little older we can actually get excited about going camping! She loves being outside and collecting acorns and leaves. So, camping means that she gets to outside the whole day, doing what she loves!
It was a very cold weekend to be camping in a tent, so we had to layer up at night and in the early mornings. Marley loved being able to sit by the fire with us, holding her own mug full of oatmeal.
During the day, it got up to 80 degrees! So, we stripped off some of our layers, and relaxed by the water. I can't even put into words how good it felt. The weather was great, and lounging by the lake with my family was perfect.

When nap time came, we all snuggled on a blanket by the water. It was adorable to watch Asa and Marley nap together in the grass.

Before dinner, we went for a little one mile hike.
During our walk, Marley stopped several times and sat like this in the ground. When I asked her what she was doing, she said she was fishing!
That night, Marley kept herself busy by "cooking" potatoes for us. She would stir them around in a pan, pretend to put seasoning on them, and then bring them around for all of us to try. I think I tried those potatoes about 10 times!

We had a lot of fun camping. It was really cold at night, but Marley is pretty much like a heat rock when she sleeps. So, all I had to do to get warm was cuddle up to her. I really do hope that camping is something our kids love, and we can make tons of memories like the ones Asa and I have from camping with our parents.
It was a very cold weekend to be camping in a tent, so we had to layer up at night and in the early mornings. Marley loved being able to sit by the fire with us, holding her own mug full of oatmeal.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Busy Life
Blogger will not let me upload pictures! I have two different posts about camping, pictures of Marley's Halloween costume, and other random pictures to show, but every time I try to upload them, it tells me I can't! So, I will just keep trying!
There has been a lot going on here lately. Asa's mom came to visit us for a week, and the last weekend she was here we spent camping. Then we had a pretty relaxing week around the house, and Asa got to have a lot of time off of work. Last weekend was our anniversary, so we decided to rent a camper from the Outdoor Adventure Center on post and head to Osage Beach! I will eventually post pictures of all of that. We had a blast! Asa even surprised me and dropped me off at a spa on Saturday afternoon with an appointment! I have an amazing husband!
This week is crazy busy. Yesterday, I rushed all over town trying to get the things I needed for Marley's costume. Then, I spent the rest of the day making it and getting ready for the FRG meeting at 5. We spent almost two hours at the meeting, which was full of good information. Today, I baked two kinds of muffins, and made a casserole for the Bollins since Ami still isn't feeling well. I am trying to use up everything in the fridge, so we have lots of cooking coming up the rest of the week. Wednesday is the fall festival here, that we are taking Marley to. The rest of this week I also have to pack up our clothes for November in Nacogdoches, help Asa pack for November at JRTC, get Marley three more shots, clean the house, pick up some ceramics in Rolla, and clean out the fridge. I will be busy!
So, on Monday Asa heads to Louisiana with his company, and I will head to Nacogdoches to spend some time with our families! I'm excited to see them, but not excited about not seeing Asa. I don't even know if I will be able to talk to him on the phone while he is there. In some ways, three weeks seems like nothing. We have made it much longer than that before. But, at the same time, three weeks seems like a big deal when I think about how much time we have left before he deploys.
Marley has been doing great. She literally says new words all the time, words I have no idea she knew. Today she said "jeans," "clean," and "over." Some of my other favorite words she says now are "broken," and "holla!" The other day she heard Asa says "dude" and then we heard her say "Dude Holla!" And, she learned "go away" this weekend while I was singing Rain Rain Go Away with her.
She has been loving to help me in the kitchen. She runs in and says "Help?!" She makes a little bit of a mess, but it makes her so happy! She still has a bit of a listening problem, like most two year olds, but she is a good sport when she has to go to timeout. She waits patiently for us to get her, and she usually doesn't do whatever it is she got in trouble for. She has gotten obsessed with Dora since we signed up for Netflix a month ago. She is only allowed to watch on episode a day, and she knows that when it's over she needs to do something else. Most days it's not a fight and she moves on happily.
I'll keep trying to upload pictures, but it may not really happen until I get to Nacogdoches. I hate that I get things posted so late, because I like it to all be in order and on time. But we are busy this week! And I know y'all understand!
There has been a lot going on here lately. Asa's mom came to visit us for a week, and the last weekend she was here we spent camping. Then we had a pretty relaxing week around the house, and Asa got to have a lot of time off of work. Last weekend was our anniversary, so we decided to rent a camper from the Outdoor Adventure Center on post and head to Osage Beach! I will eventually post pictures of all of that. We had a blast! Asa even surprised me and dropped me off at a spa on Saturday afternoon with an appointment! I have an amazing husband!
This week is crazy busy. Yesterday, I rushed all over town trying to get the things I needed for Marley's costume. Then, I spent the rest of the day making it and getting ready for the FRG meeting at 5. We spent almost two hours at the meeting, which was full of good information. Today, I baked two kinds of muffins, and made a casserole for the Bollins since Ami still isn't feeling well. I am trying to use up everything in the fridge, so we have lots of cooking coming up the rest of the week. Wednesday is the fall festival here, that we are taking Marley to. The rest of this week I also have to pack up our clothes for November in Nacogdoches, help Asa pack for November at JRTC, get Marley three more shots, clean the house, pick up some ceramics in Rolla, and clean out the fridge. I will be busy!
So, on Monday Asa heads to Louisiana with his company, and I will head to Nacogdoches to spend some time with our families! I'm excited to see them, but not excited about not seeing Asa. I don't even know if I will be able to talk to him on the phone while he is there. In some ways, three weeks seems like nothing. We have made it much longer than that before. But, at the same time, three weeks seems like a big deal when I think about how much time we have left before he deploys.
Marley has been doing great. She literally says new words all the time, words I have no idea she knew. Today she said "jeans," "clean," and "over." Some of my other favorite words she says now are "broken," and "holla!" The other day she heard Asa says "dude" and then we heard her say "Dude Holla!" And, she learned "go away" this weekend while I was singing Rain Rain Go Away with her.
She has been loving to help me in the kitchen. She runs in and says "Help?!" She makes a little bit of a mess, but it makes her so happy! She still has a bit of a listening problem, like most two year olds, but she is a good sport when she has to go to timeout. She waits patiently for us to get her, and she usually doesn't do whatever it is she got in trouble for. She has gotten obsessed with Dora since we signed up for Netflix a month ago. She is only allowed to watch on episode a day, and she knows that when it's over she needs to do something else. Most days it's not a fight and she moves on happily.
I'll keep trying to upload pictures, but it may not really happen until I get to Nacogdoches. I hate that I get things posted so late, because I like it to all be in order and on time. But we are busy this week! And I know y'all understand!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Taking Grandma to the Spring
Last week, we were lucky enough to have Asa's mom visiting us for the week! Marley loved having her here, and I loved the breaks it gave me! Asa and I even got to go out on a date! But one of our favorite things that we did together while she was here was another visit to the spring. The leaves are changing here, and everything looks so beautiful!

Thursday, October 14, 2010
Great Recipe Site for the Whole Family!
I have fallen in love with a website called Weelicious. It is full of recipes that are kids friendly and healthy! And your kids can have fun helping you make most of it!
It's my new daily addiction to look through the recipes and find something healthy that Marley will eat. She is very picky, as you know. But she loves these Apple Banana Muffins that we made a couple of days ago. I froze them, and then can pull them out any time we want and she can have a healthy snack!
Go check out the website! I guarantee you will find something you want to make!
Christmas Shopping
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Weekend Get-Away
Last weekend, Asa and I decided we should spend a night in Springfield before picking up Donna from the airport on Saturday afternoon. I was nervous that we would be bored, since we have stayed in Springfield before. But we found tons of places to go and fun things to do!
Our first stop was Panera for lunch! Then we headed to Jump Mania, which is an indoor playground, full of moon bounces and obstacle courses. If we lived in Springfield, I would definitely be taking Marley there all the time! She had a blast, and we were even allowed to play with her!
We shopped at a huge thrift store, and then spent some time in Barnes and Nobles before heading to our hotel to rest.
In the late afternoon, we painted our own pottery. We made two gifts for family members, and got tons of ideas for others. We had so much fun, and we can't wait to go paint more!

On Saturday morning, we spent a good amount of time in Bass Pro Shops. Marley didn't really want to shop though, so it wasn't very enjoyable. We had lunch at Asa's new favorite place, Chipotle, and then went to an art festival in Sequoia Park. Of course, the art was too expensive to buy, but it was pretty to look at, and the park was gorgeous.
We walked the trail around the pond, and Asa pointed out all the fish to Marley. The fall colors are started to come out, which I think is the most beautiful time of the year!

On our way back to the car (well, actually Asa was looking for a geocache that he never ended up finding) we found a cute little spot to take pictures. Marley loved looking at the leaves, and I managed to get some really cute pictures of her smiling (which is very hard these days)!

Last but not least, we went to the community farm. It's a fully functioning farm, that is open to the public! I have never heard of something like that, but it is an awesome idea! I didn't get very many pictures, but it was a blast. They had a huge pumpkin patch, hay rides, a corn maze, all kinds of animals, fresh apple pie, and beautiful scenery. We didn't have time to do most of that, but maybe we can go back before Halloween and pick out a pumpkin and attempt the corn maze.

I love little get-aways. Even if it's only for a night, I feel like we really did something important and made memories that mean the world to us. It was a fun-filled weekend, and I'm sure we will have many more to come in the next three months before Asa leaves!
Our first stop was Panera for lunch! Then we headed to Jump Mania, which is an indoor playground, full of moon bounces and obstacle courses. If we lived in Springfield, I would definitely be taking Marley there all the time! She had a blast, and we were even allowed to play with her!
In the late afternoon, we painted our own pottery. We made two gifts for family members, and got tons of ideas for others. We had so much fun, and we can't wait to go paint more!
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