Ainsley says that Marley is her best friend. If Marley could say Ainsley, I'm sure she would agree! She followed her around, tried to copy what she did, and even held hands with her!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
A Happy Third Birthday
On Saturday afternoon, we went to Ainsley's third birthday party! Marley was a little nervous when we got there. But, much to my surprise, she warmed back up to the girls quickly! She would even walk over to the playground with Abby or Ainsley and play over there without me. This may sound like a normal kid thing to you, but that is very out of character for Marley. Normally, I need to be within 5 feet of her at all times or she just can't have fun. But I am so thankful she was independent!
Ainsley says that Marley is her best friend. If Marley could say Ainsley, I'm sure she would agree! She followed her around, tried to copy what she did, and even held hands with her!
All the kids had fun playing together, and I had fun getting to talk to some other adults! I really hope we get to spend more time with the Bollins, because we all get along so well!
Ainsley says that Marley is her best friend. If Marley could say Ainsley, I'm sure she would agree! She followed her around, tried to copy what she did, and even held hands with her!
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