My 25 month old. Stunning, right?!

She is learning so much now. We work on numbers, shapes, letters, and colors constantly. When she sees fire trucks, she tells me there are two of them. Or when I pull out wipes to change her, she tells me I pulled out three. I love teaching her, but I also love seeing what she learns just from our daily activities. She picks up on things I do and instantly understands it and repeats it.

She is officially not nursing at all any more. She doesn't even ask at bedtime, which is crazy to me. Two months ago I could only get her to sleep by nursing her, and now she goes to sleep without even mentioning it. And she also sleeps completely through the night now!
She peed in the potty twice last night, and pooped in the potty for the first time! You all wanted to know that, I'm sure! But, hey, it's a big accomplishment! And all three of those times, she went into the bathroom all by herself and did what she needed to do! We have tried bringing up the potty training thing in the past, but she never really liked the idea so I let it go. But tonight she was all about it, and didn't want anything to do with putting a diaper on!

She is exploding with new words all the time. This morning, she woke up and asked for a bagel. She said "excuse me" the other day, and repeats pretty much anything we ask her to. It's crazy to me how much she picks up on and repeats! Everyone kept telling us that she was quiet for so long, but once she got the hang of it she would be talking all the time. And here we are at that stage! It's so fun to be able to interact with her and understand what she's saying. We can have our own little conversations and it's a blast! She makes me laugh all day long with the things she is saying, and she knows she's funny too!

The two year old tendencies I was having a hard time with a few weeks ago seem to be getting better. I'm not really sure why. Maybe I'm doing something different or she is changing a little bit. Either way, our days are a lot happier lately. Oh, one big thing is learning which battles were worth it. For example, her outfits never match any more, and I have given up on trying to get them to. She wants to pick them out, so I let her (within reason). I get to win plenty of other arguments during the day, clothes just don't seem worth it. I also think her burst in vocabulary in helping. When she starts to cry, I stop her and tell her she needs to use her words. She usually stops crying and tells me what she wants and then the drama is all over.
I always think that each stage i get to is the most fun. Of course I miss some things about her being a baby, but she is so much fun now! She learns so quickly, engages us, surprises us, and makes us laugh. Life is so fun with our little two year old! I can't wait to see what's next!
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