Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Last Friday, my mom, Joel, and Emily arrived at our house for the weekend! I had been telling Marley for days that they were coming to visit, but I think she was starting to doubt me! But they did come, and we were all so happy to see each other!After a quick lunch, our first order of business was to take Marley to the water park. The guys stayed home and napped, and the four girls went to play at the park!Marley had a blast playing with her Mimi and Dede, and didn't want it to end. But it was a few hours past her nap time at this point, so we headed home for some rest. We spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing today and Marley got to go through bags and bags of goodies from Mimi, Papa, and Dede. She got all kinds of new clothes, shoes, lip glosses, earrings and rings, and a special plate. She is going through a changing clothes phase, where I pretty much have to hide her clothes from her if I don't want her to take off the ones she has on. So, she loved that Mimi and Dede wanted to change her clothes 20 times!
And, of course, Dede also indulged Marley by letting her watch Single Ladies!
That night, the men made dinner and Marley got her first lick of brownie batter. She was obviously a fan!
After a fantastic dinner, my mom and I took Marley Marley to the park. Emily and Asa went to buy fireworks, and then joined us on-post at the park. Mimi was a great sport and went down all the slides with Marley and even crawled through a tube a few times!
It was amazing how excited Marley was to see everyone! She got to show them all of her toys, her stuffed animals, her favorite parks, and everything else she loves. She was a very happy baby.

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