Monday, March 15, 2010

Leaving tomorrow!!

I seriously cannot believe we are leaving tomorrow to go to Asa's graduation! I am sooooooo excited to see him and Marley is even more excited than I am. She is constantly asking about him at this point, and always wants to watch videos of him. We have a group of about 10 pictures of him on my iPhone, and she literally just wants to go through those ten pictures every 10 minutes. She shoves my phone at me, yelling "Dada Dada" until I find the pictures. I usually make her say please so she gets some manners in there, but there is no way I can tell her I don't want to do it anymore. Even though it wears me out, it's her Daddy for crying out loud, and she misses him!

So, needless to say, i am very ready for her to see him. and I'm sure he is very ready to see her. The Drill Sargents told them that they would get their phones back this past Sunday night so that they could call home. But, of course, they did not get their phones back. Since he was on a FTX all last week and wasn't able to send any letters, I have not heard from him in over a week. So, I have no idea if things have changed or how long Marley and I will be staying up there or when we are moving. Everything is up in the air and it is making me a little bit anxious.

But it will all be worth it in the end when Marley gets to hug her Daddy! When we up there at the beginning of February, she could not stop staring at him! It was like she couldn't figure out if she was dreaming or not... it was adorable. She wouldn't let him out of her sight and didn't want him paying attention to anyone else. So, this time is going to be even more fantastic, because we don't have to worry about him leaving again in 24 hours. We can relax and enjoy our time together. Hopefully, we can look for a house together, get all the paperwork done that we need to do, and just figure out how to be a family of three again.

I have almost everything packed, with just a few things left to do tomorrow. We are leaving around 11 and driving to Little Rock to spend the night with my aunt Shirley and Uncle Frank. They have never met Marley, and we are very excited to see each other! And then Wednesday morning, we are heading to Missouri. I am so excited about how many people are coming; Asa is going to really know how much our families love and support him. And how proud they are of him! I will be alone in the hotel room Thursday night, so hopefully I can write a blog about the day. Something very, very exciting is in store!

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