Thursday, March 4, 2010

Asa Update, Marley's Sick

I have been so busy. I would love to say that I have been busy taking Marley to the park and getting pedicures and accomplishing things on my To Do List. But, I have not. I have been mainly spending my time doing homework and taking care of my sick baby. This has been a rough winter for Marley, and thus a rough winter for me. She has pretty much been sick since January 1st, and its hard to tell now what it is that is bothering her. She might have an ear infection, is definitely congested, and has a fever off and on. So, I am trying to keep her happy and keep my To Do List and homework under control, but its hard.

In good news, I did hear from Asa on Sunday. He didn't sound great, he is definitely ready for this part to be over. There are lots of guys in his company getting in trouble for ridiculous things (smoking in the PT dome, sneaking out at night and getting drunk in Rolla, stealing grenades, etc.) and Asa is sick of it. Two years ago, Asa wouldn't have cared at all that people were doing that. But I am so happy that he is the responsible one now!

He knows for sure that we are going to Fort Leonard Wood, we just still have no idea when. He also found out that he is most likely being deployed in September or October. They have told him it could be a humanitarian deployment to Haiti or Chile, so that would be awesome! I do wish he had a little bit longer though, because it would lessen his chance of being deployed twice in his three year contract and it would be less stressful with moving. Also, I called the Lufkin recruiting office today and they are going to put in a request to have Asa do hometown recruiting for 10 days after graduation. If it goes through, that will be great and it will give us time to see everyone and pack and move. He also supposedly gets a vacation day back for every day that he works for them. So, everyone cross your fingers that that works out!

He is really excited for this to be over though. Hopefully the next two weeks will go smoothly for him! He is possibly getting his phone back next also! That would be amazing!

Ok, I have to go to bed. I forgot to mention that now I am getting sick....

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