Monday, January 18, 2010

Three New Things

Marley LOVES puzzles lately! She will do this puzzle over and over. And over. She's really good at it, and applauds herself every time she gets one in!

Sometimes she does get a little frustrated though. It's so cute! She pretty much just keeps trying to shove it in there, pushing as hard as she can on it.

She also has several new signs now. She can say please, thank you, pretty, airplane, deer, lion, elephant, and diaper change. Sure, that looks a lot like she's blowing a kiss, but she is really saying thank you! It's so fun to have a little girl with manners!

The night before Asa left, he spent 20 minutes popping this little round toy out of his mouth and into the air. Marley thought it was hysterical.

Laughing with Daddy from Jillian Shaw on Vimeo.

Well, the other night, Marley brought me the shape sorter that the piece came from. She sat on the bed with me and rolled it around until she found the spot the circle goes into. She got my attention, pointed to the circle, stuck her finger in her mouth, and then pulled it out really fast making a pop noise! I literally almost cried! First of all, because she remembered doing it with Asa. She could remember what he did and that she thought it was funny, even from weeks ago. And then secondly, because she's so smart! She just told me exactly what she wanted!

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