Saturday, November 21, 2009

Absence makes the heart grow fonder... not that it wasn't fond before, but now it's even fonder!

It has been three full days since I have heard from Asa. I know that as far as Army wife loneliness goes, three days is nothing. But it's a start. We have gone this long without seeing each other, but we could always talk to each other. It is just so different now, so many things to adjust to: bringing in the groceries by myself, Marley and I eating lunch alone, and when I want to do something I can just do it. And I all the sudden have all this free time that I am currently using up by scrap-booking.

I just wish I knew how he was doing. They have things online that tell me what he is doing, but I want to know how he is feeling about everything. I'm sure he isn't overjoyed at what is happening right now, but is optimistic? Angry? Sad? I just wish I knew and could help. But I guess that isn't what the Army wants, right? I can't imagine they want him calling me telling me that they are being mean to him and me telling him how to fix it. They probably want to handle that themselves.

I miss him though. I really didn't think it would be as hard as it is, and I am so thankful it is only for four weeks this time. After Christmas will be even harder than this. Marley really misses him also. We have been watching a few videos everyday that we recorded of Asa before he left.. and she loves them, smiles at him, and kisses the screen. And every night before we go to bed, she kisses and says goodnight to Asa is the family picture we have hanging in our room. It breaks my hear that she has to say goodnight to him that way, but it means so much to me at the same time.

We also have a video of Asa that he sent us from the airport in Dallas. Marley and I were bored so we were texting him pictures and videos of what we were doing. I asked Asa to send us a video of him, but he said he couldn't because he was surrounded by people. I told him to go to the bathroom, but I guess he didn't like that idea either. So, he sent us this.

Awesome video, huh? Haha, it does the trick with Marley. She lights up when she sees him on the screen.

Tomorrow is Sunday, so maybe I will hear from him. But if not, I really don't expect to hear from him until the next Sunday. Maybe they will let them call on Thanksgiving? Who knows, but I sure hope it's sooner rather than later. I am still excited about our decision, though. I think it was the right one for our family and I am so proud of my Army man!

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