We went to the Red River Revel Festival in Shreveport today with Bill, Mary, and Noah Beth. It is pretty much a big festival with tons of people selling artwork, jewelry, toys, and any other cool thing you can think of. They had a magician (who was having a bad day, poor guy), kid craft projects, tons of bands, and an Archeology dig site (aka a giant sand box). We had to drive for about an hour and forty-five minutes. So, Marley whined for about an hour and forty-five minutes. It was a joy!

But once we got there, she was in a better mood. We had a ton of walking to do, so she rode in the stroller for most of it. After Asa had carried her on his shoulders for a while, he decided to put her back in the stroller. She did not want to get in it, so she was crying. Then this bitch walks up and says, "You know, if you talk to her she will stop crying." Really? Thanks.

Unfortunately, the camera battery died shortly after that. We had so much fun though, and missed a lot of great picture opportunities. They had a huge fountain that Asa, Marley, and Noah Beth ran around in. They also had a beautiful lawn area with plants and a waterfall that Marley played around near. It almost hurt all of the pictures I was missing.

She did nap for about an hour of the trip home, but cried for the other forty-five. She has been so clingy with me lately. I know it's probably normal, it just came out of nowhere. She literally nursed for an hour tonight and didn't even go to sleep. And if someone tries to pick her up, she reaches for me 9 out of 10 times. She won't even take a bath without me. So, do I indulge her since she's my little baby, or do I worry about spoiling her? I indulge her. Also, she doesn't cry like she used to. Instead of a regular cry, it's like "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" with her face all scrunched up. I have to be honest, it drives me crazy!
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