Uncle Cliff and Uncle Andy got in around noon, so I got to see a few pictures of Lilah and Christy before I had to get my hair done. I had asked Jenna to come with me to get my hair done, so she met me there and we looked through magazines until it was time for me to go. I had told the lady who cut my hair two weeks ago that I wanted to wear it down, with a few parts clipped up in the flowers we had bought. But, I changed my mind and decided I wanted it up out of my way. She got a little attitude when I told her that. Jenna was a huge help, making sure it looked the way I wanted and helping me change my mind if it was something that wouldn't look great. Asa I was getting my flowers put in, it hit me. I AM GETTING MARRIED! HOLY CRAP!
I got home from the hair appointment and everything was really coming together. The trellises were done, the Uncles had set up the chairs, and Aunt Julie had started putting together the centerpieces. So, for the next three hours we worked. Asa got home from the meet, we finished making all the food, Mary came with the cake (which looked fantastic!), and I finished all of the flowers. At about 4 it started getting really hectic. I had been waiting for everything until closer to time, but when Jenna got there at 4:15 to do my make-up I had to stay in the back. Uncle Cliff had been taking pictures with our camera all day. It was hilarious how serious he was about getting his shots, and at one point he was hiding in the shower to get "the shot" of me getting my make-up done! Leslie also got there around this time and started her pictures.
While I was getting my face made-up, my mom and Aunt Julie wanted to get Marley's red dress on her. So, they changed her diaper and put the bloomers on, and she was fine. But as soon as they started to put the dress over her head, she went ballistic! She was screaming so hard her whole face was red. So, we had to change our plans and pick a different, less poofy dress for her. She was a little upset while we were putting it on her, but she got over it. All of the sudden, I realized there were fifty things I forgot to do and it was already 5:15! So, I sent Aunt Julie to get the flowers and give them to everyone, I sent Uncle Cliff to make sure Asa had the rings, I sent someone to make sure we had assigned a person to play the music. It was like I had no idea if things were organized or not. I was peaking out the bathroom window, watching all the guests take their seats, and my stomach was in huge knots.
Once we got all the little things taken care of (Asa had already handled most of it, by the way) it was time to get the show on the road. Everyone was out of the house except for me and Emily. She said it was time for the pep-talk, so she gave me a really cute one and I was ready to go. We stood in the hallway until we could hear the music playing and then both walked out, Marley in Emily's arms.
As I walked out, I could see all of the people who love us smiling at me. It was such a great moment. I felt beautiful, excited, and loved! I could see Asa smiling for me and Grandpa standing with his aviators on and it all just felt right. I walked down the aisle to "All I Want is You" from Juno. When Asa heard it for the first time, he said that was the song he wanted to play at our wedding.

After the pictures were done, we could party! Leslie and Uncle Cliff took pictures of the two of us while everyone got served.
It was really overwhelming to think about the fact that we were married. Nothing was going to be drastically different the next day, except for a few diamonds on my finger, but I felt like I was older and more mature. The backyard looked beautiful once the sun was going down and the lights were on. It looked like something from a movie, so romantic and sweet. Everyone seemed to have a good time, and I loved getting to see so many people that I hadn't seen in forever. I made myself a plate of food, but then I realized I shouldn't eat it because it might get on my dress! So, Marley ate my corn and bread, which put her in a MUCH better mood!
We signed the marriage license with Grandpa and then cut the cake. The cake was made by Mary, and I really thought it was fantastic. It was simple looking, but beautiful and fit us well. We weren't really sure how to do it, so everyone had to tell us that were supposed to do it together. Asa was a good guy and didn't try to rub it on me while he was feeding me my piece. Then, we also had a toast. I couldn't stop laughing through the toast for some reason!
The guys started playing washers in the backyard and Marley wanted to play with them! She would sit on the washer box and just laugh about herself and how cute she was!
After that, most of the people started heading out. It was sad to say goodbye to all of the people who left and I knew we wouldn't see them for a long time. We had quite a few people who stayed around though. We started to look at the pictures that had been taken when Marley needed to go to sleep. So, I put her to sleep and we spent the rest of the evening hanging out and talking with the people who were left.
We are both so happy! More important than how the ceremony went or what food we ate or what gifts we got, it meant so much to us that so many people were there to love and support us! I don't feel intensely different, but I do feel more grown up. I can tell that Asa is so happy, also. He isn't one to show big emotions, but you can definitely tell he loves me! That's what everyone kept saying. I wish the party could have lasted longer. Once the wedding got going, it felt like it was over in a flash and now what do I do with my time?
Two things I am upset about: We do not have a view of the ceremony that shows my face. We had three video cameras set up, but none of them are zoomed in on my face. The other thing is the fact that we did not get a pictures of just me, Asa, and Marley! It makes me stomach hurt to think about that! We were together in the some pictures, but we never got one of just the three of us. It breaks my heart.
But, overall, I am so happy with everything. I could never thank everyone enough, especially my mom and Joel, for how much they did for us! I wish I could say that I can't wait to do it again, but that doesn't really sound great with weddings... so I'll say that I can't wait to have another party like this with everyone!
*There was no way I could upload and organize all the wonderful photos we had, so I am going to make an online album somewhere if you want to see more!
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