Saturday, May 23, 2009

Home Improvement

Today is home improvement/organization day here in the Vermeulen household. We have put things that we don't need anymore, like the Jumperoo and old car seat into my mom's attic. We have thrown lots of things away, some of which we hadn't used in years. We have a ton of stuff at Asa's sister's house in her storage area. We have been storing everything there that we did not need or have room for. They are selling the house, so now we have to be serious about what we really want and what we don't. This is easy for me, but very very hard for Asa. He is trying to hold on to things he has had since middle school that he didn't even remember he had.

Yesterday, we rearranged Marley's room. We both just wanted a change in there. We cleaned out our laundry hamper/Marley's crib and she is now taking naps in it. She has started to wake up completely silently. The only reason I know she has woken up is because I hear her laughing as she crawls to the end of the bed. By the time I get in there, she is always inches form the side of the bed, so it was important that she start taking naps in her crib instead of our bed.
It didn't really go so well. She slept about half of the time that she normally does and woke up really upset, having no idea where she was. Hopefully, that will change though. I really get worried these days about her being in our bed without us.

Asa is off to Lowe's as we speak to buy the hardware to build some shelves in our bedroom and hallway. You can never have too many shelves, and with all the middle school memorabilia, I'm sure we will need them.

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