I can't believe it has already been 7 months. I feel like it is going so fast and all I want is for time to slow down a little bit. It makes me cry to think about how much time has already gone by. Time that I can't ever go back to. Things will never be the same way they are right now. I really have to make sure that I am enjoying this as much as I can and that I am cherishing all of it. I am so glad that I have this blog. I already go back and read the old posts. I can't even imagine how special it will be to me when it has been a while since I read them. It just makes me want to hold her as much as I can. Cuddle with her and talk with her. I can't go back. I'm sure every mother wishes they could sometimes. I look forward to everything that is going to happen, but I want to remember everything that has happened. How do I make room in my memory for all of this and all that is coming? This little girl is the most important thing in my world. Why am I wasting my time arguing about the dishes or stressing about work? I cry every time I think about how much time has already gone by. I cry when I think about how much my little darling has changed in the past 7 months. How could we have gone from this:

to this:

in just 7 months? It feels like a week ago. And then I think about how much has happened and I am overwhelmed. I can't even imagine what this will feel like in 5 months when I am celebrating her whole first year of life. I am a little disappointed that I didn't write so much when she was younger. Some of those little details have already been forgotten and I wish I had them here to remind me. I went back through yesterday and added things that I could remember to the posts around that time. Hopefully I didn't forget anything major.
It's the end of the day. 7 months after the birth of my daughter. I am the luckiest person in the world to get to crawl in bed with her tonight. I hope she knows how much I love her and how much she means to me. She can always count on me and rely on me for anything. I seriously do not know who I would be without her. She brightens my day from the second I wake up until the moment I fall asleep with her cuddled up next to me.
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