Marley sleeps all sprawled out now. It was hard to imagine her sleeping happily like that when we had to swaddle her every night. But she's a big girl now. She hates having the covers on her legs and kicks them off within 10 seconds of me putting them on her. She doesn't even sleep on her stomach anymore at night. She sleeps right on her back with her arms all over the place. She's so big! I love sleeping next to her and getting to snuggle with ehr all night.
But, I also love the days when I have to get up before Marley and Asa. I wake up and get in the shower while they get a few extra minutes of sleep. When I get out, I come back into the bedroom and find that Asa has taken my place as Marley's cuddle bug. He is all wrapped around her while she sleeps peacefully between his chest and his arm. They are completely relaxed and content curled up together. I love watching them sleep. Asa loves her so much. It melts me heart. And Marley is so completely innocient and sweet when she is sleeping. It makes me smile just as much as the mornings when Marley wakes us up. 

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