Friday, February 27, 2009


Ok. This is a rant. This evening, Asa, Marley, and I went to Chili's for dinner. There is a wait, so we sit outside on one of two benches. While we are sitting there another family comes out with a 6 or 7 year old son. The mother digs around in her bag and pulls out a cigarette and proceeds to light it.

This is what I wanted to say:
WTF? Are you kidding me? You are going to light a cigarette 5 feet away from my baby?! Ok, if you want to slowly kill yourself, but you are NOT going to get anything near my child. How completely selfish! Not only is there a law in Nacogdoches now against that very thing, but it is the most inconsiderate thing you could do. Not to mention your poor child that probably sits next to you on a daily basis while you are smoking. Do you think you have right to sit here and put us in danger just so you can have your fix? Do you think that even with all of the news that is put out everyday about how bad secondhand smoke is, I am going to let you do it in front of me? Yes, I could get up and leave, but you are the one being selfish! You are the one endangering other people. And you are the one that needs to get yourself together. I have no problem with you smoking at your house away from me, but when you make this a public thing, I can defend myself. Bitch.

But, this is what Asa said:
We would appreciate it if you didn't smoke right in front of us.

Then, she said very loudly and with an attitude, "I guess I will go over theeeeeere." Yea you will. And don't come back.

I really want to yell at people when I can smell their smoke. I have friends that smoke, so I don't have a problem with people smoking if that is what they want to do. But I have a serious problem with it getting into my air and my business. And especially my daughter's. And all that crap about "we have rights too" is stupid. They should in no way have the right to submit others to something that can harm them! How is that even legal?

Ok, that is all. I will feel like a total idiot if Marley decides to smoke one day. Actually, she better not ever tell me.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Can I just tell you that even though I TOTALLY agree with everything that you wrote that I found myself laughing out loud as I read this, one because I am watching in my head this interaction play out.. two you just make me smile!

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