Thursday, February 26, 2009

Good News

Good news number 1. Marley has gone to bed at like 7 or 8 for the past three nights! I am amazed! Who knew that all I needed to do was just put her to bed earlier to avoid all of the pre-bedtime crying? I know that sounds pretty simple, but I guess I'm slow.

Good news number 2. I bought a bunch of baby food supplies last night: avocado, sweet potatoes, apples... This morning when I was looking for them to decide what I was doing first, I could not find them. So, I called Asa and he had no idea where they were either. So, I called Wal-Mart and asked if I had left it there and they said no. But, if I bring in my receipt, they will give me what I am missing! Then this evening, Asa confesses that he left them in the trunk accidentally... so they are no good now. Luckily, we get free replacements from Wal-Mart!!

Good news number 3. But even better than all that- Asa might be getting a promotion at work. The company that owns the apartments where he works also have a property in Lufkin. The maintenance guy for property pretty much sucks. Big time. So, they are going to fire him and Asa is going to be the maintenance guy for both! This means he would be working full time instead of part time and he would get a free apartment! He told me today that the one bedrooms there are 804 square feet. Our two bedroom that we have right now is 807. So, imagine how big of a difference it would to have a two bedroom there! It would be fabulous! But I don't want to get my hopes up too much. I should calm down.


Anonymous said...


Emily said...

WOW!!! Thats great! On so many different levels.. although I must say I will cry if you leave windhill.. i was so looking forward to being closer to you guys! But its not like you would be really far away. How long till you find out?

Jillian said...

We don't know really. Soon though, because they are really sick of the Lufkin guy! And we would be right around the corner! In our apartment that actually has room for guests!

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