Sunday, December 28, 2008

I suck

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today, Asa's sister Noah-Beth brought us the video she recorded when Marley was born. She has a great clip of when Asa came out and told everyone that we had a girl! It was so sweet! I remember that we had our video camera when we were in the hospital, but we didn't record anything. I am definitely doing that with the next baby. I am really sad that we don't have videos of some things. We also have Asa's mom's video and she recorded everyone's reaction to seeing her in the nursery window. That was also amazing. Since I was in the recovery room from the c-section, I didn't get to see when people saw her for the first time. It was also nice to see who all came! I had no idea since they weren't there when I got out of recovery.

Marley has been getting really close to sitting up lately. She can do it for about 2 seconds and then falls over. It is weird to see her in that position though... even for a short time. She is looking like a real baby!

Marley never wants to fall asleep with me anymore. I asked on if anyone else ever had that problem. She will only fall asleep in my Asa's arms. He holds her against his chest with her stomach against him. I will try to hold her in the exact same position and she will cry and cry. As soon as I give her to him, she is quiet and falls asleep. So, I am wondering if it is possible that my milk is distracting? She is not hungry because I always try that. She will push her face into my boob and scream. I have tried holding her in different positions, but she only likes to fall asleep that way. I am getting really upset because I hate not being able to put her to sleep. It is nice that he had something that he is really good at it, but he is not always around. I need to be able to do it and it is making me depressed that I cannot. I just have to hand her over and be defeated.


Emily said...

I am sorry Jillian... you are still an AMAZING mom!!!!

Abigail... said...

You do not suck! You are a great mom, and I am continually impressed with how well you have adapted and learned throughout the process of being a mommy... when I was little I would only fall asleep on my dad's stomach, it was a phase that lasted about a month and a half, my mom just says it was so my dad could feel more involved. hehehe...anyway, it made for some cute pictures at the time!

P.S. glad I got to hold Marley today...she's still the cutest!

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