Saturday, September 29, 2012

day 20: coming home

It was a long day.  We headed out of Nacogdoches around 5:45 in the morning and I had planned to stop for the night in Tulsa.  But we kept going, one town at a time.  We stopped at parks and rest stops and health food stores and Panera, until we were finally home.  Marley was completely broken-hearted to leave Texas.  She cried several times on the trip, but she was also my helper.  She was my assistant when Vivi needed something and my entertainment when I needed a friend.  She was happier once we got home and she could get out her favorite books and snuggle into her princess sleeping bag.  She rested on the couch reading books while I unpacked the car.  And once I got her into bed, she was asleep within 3 minutes.

Vivi was a good sport for most of the time.  She was about how you could expect any 14 month old to be on a 14 hours car trip.  On the last hour of our trip, I decided to get out the laptop and keep the girls happy in the dark car with a movie.  Vivi has never watched a movie.  But I thought if there was any time to be the first time, this was it.  So, we stopped at a rest stop and I got it out.  It was dead.  So, we went inside and I charged it.  20 minutes later, we emerged with a laptop that had just enough battery life to get us home.  I got everyone in the car, started the movie and started driving.  About a mile later, Vivi was screaming, so I exited, stopped the truck, climbed in the back and nursed her in her carseat until she had gone to sleep.  And then we were able to get home, thankfully.  I brought her right inside and she was asleep for the night in the same clothes she had worn all day.  But the three of us slept hard until morning.

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