Saturday, June 30, 2012

what i'm thinking about this morning

We have a lot to do this weekend.  Next week is Vivi's birthday (OMG, she's really turning one... how is that possible?) and we have a lot of family coming into town to celebrate with us.  So, we have sheets to wash, rooms to clean, and other random house work to do.  I also want to make a really cool piece of wall art that I saw somewhere.  But it's a secret!  I will be posting pictures once it's done!  I also want to make some homemade playdough and silly puddy with Marley.

We have a back porch to clean and a yard to mow and a driveway to straighten up.  Diapers need to be washed, clothes need to be washed and folded, and I need to continue work on Vivi's book.  There are a lot of things to do.

But all of that is on hold right now while we have a quiet morning.  Marley is coloring and practicing letters, Asa is getting to sleep in, and Vivi is exploring everything.  And I'm watching it all and thinking about how lucky we are.

We have stress.  We have days that don't go well.  And I have days when I feel like I can't catch up on all the work that needs to be done around here.  Days when Marley isn't listening or Vivi is really fussy or Asa had a bad day at work or I didn't get enough sleep.  But if there is one thing that I learned during Asa's deployment, it is that we have each other and that is all that really matters.  As long as the four of us are healthy and happy and loving each other, we are doing what we are supposed to be doing.  It's a hard thing to remember when I feel stressed or worried about something.  But it's true.  None of the things that stress us out should matter as much as making sure our family is happy.  The four of us are together and a team and we can get through whatever may come our way.  Maybe I'll write it on a piece of paper and stick it to the fridge.  Because we need to remember it every day.

We are so lucky. Life is good. Love is here.

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