Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Random Adventures

It's so hard to get back into the habit of blogging.  I am still getting used to sharing my time with the three people who need it most.  I've been busy getting the girls on a semi-schedule, trying to keep the house clean, finding recipes we all like, trying to become a decent cook, playing things with Marley, keeping Vivi The Destroyer away from the things Marley is playing with, and last but not least, spending time with my husband and trying to make up for our year apart. 

And on the occasional day when I do get a second to myself, I am having a hard time feeling inspired.

I think about my little neglected blog several times a day.  I think about how I wish I had time to write.  I think about how when Marley was a baby, most of the little things we did together are chronicled in this blog.  And I lament the fact that I don't have that for Vivienne.  We have family far away, all over the United States and one on a Navy ship somewhere in the Pacific.  I want so badly to be able to keep up with pictures and stories for everyone to read.

So, there are two ways that I am going to make that happen:

1. I am going to start getting up when Asa leaves for PT and use that time before the girls get up to write.  Incidentally, this is the first day of that plan and of course, Vivi woke up ten minutes into my alone time.

2.  I am going to write one blog a day for a month.  Eesh.  That feels like a big commitment for a girl who hasn't been blogging for a few months.  But it might be only way to get back into the swing of things and to feel inspired again.

We start this adventure with a look at a few random adventures we have been enjoying lately!

Water Beads
Marley is totally into "cwafts" and "pwojecks."  She is constantly asking for new ones, so I have been scouring the internet lately and I cannot get enough of a blog called Play at Home Mom. I am obsessed with everything they post!  Needless to say, Marley and I have been doing all kinds of fun things recently!  Sunday, it was water beads.  They were easy to find in the floral section at Walmart.  Then all we had to do was put them in a bowl with some water and wait!

 Marley loves pouring water.  She got very excited getting to do it all herself.  And the end result was three bowls full of slippery, wet beads.  They got much bigger than this picture of them in her hands. When she got up from her nap, she was amazed at how much they had grown and ran her fingers through them the rest of the afternoon. Vivi thought they were funny also.  She squealed and chased them around the bowl.  They were way too small for her to be left alone with them, but she had fun with me holding her.  Asa and I even think they feel awesome! 

Asa is building Marley and Vivi a sandbox!  He worked hard most of the day on Sunday making the box part and will get to do the lid on his next day off.  Marley was beyond excited!  And helpful!

Dr. Marley
We went to the Springfield Zoo two weekends ago.  Mercy Children's Hospital was there giving away doctor goodies and had little activities for the kids to do.  And ever since, Marley has been obsessed with taking care of her babies and bears.  One of them is always sick!  Marley looks so adorable all dressed up like a doctor!

Marley and Vivi are finally becoming pretty good friends.  I can rely on Marley to make Vivi laugh in the car or entertain her in the high chair while I cook.  They love to talk to each other in the bathtub and Vivi wants so badly to be able to move like Marley does.  I am really enjoying watching their friendship grow recently.  They are proud of each other, even if they won't admit it!

Marley has started a new gymnastics class!  It is so much better than her class in Nacogdoches.  She is learning a lot more and is given a bit more independence in this class.  And she freakin' loves it!

Old New Clothes
We unpacked a box of Marley's old clothes this weekend.  I loved these clothes on Marley and now I get to see them on Vivi every day!  Each outfit I pulled out had a story behind it or a picture I remember taking of Marley in it.  I love that Vivi is now sporting the same clothes!

See y'all tomorrow!

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