Monday, October 10, 2011

Halloween Candles!

One of my new obsessions is scouring websites and blogs to find fun activities to do with Marley.  She seems to get bored really easily the past few months, so I am having to work really hard to keep her occupied and happy (and therefore out of trouble).  Having a happy three-year-old also makes me a little more sane!  Some days, the best I can do is a handful of crayons and a piece of paper.  But other days, I try to make it a little bit more exciting.  One of my new favorite finds, is a blog called Play at Home Mom.  These mothers have tons of ideas and information and fun projects to keep your baby, toddler, or preschooler happy!  And Mommy happy! 

So, here is one of the first crafts we made from this blog: Halloween Candles. 

It was a pretty simple project.  Cut strips of orange tissue paper, glue them to a glass jar, cut the extra tissue paper off the top, and then decorate it however you want with black construction paper.  Throw a tea light inside and you have a festive, homemade Halloween decoration!

Marley had a blast making it.  She got to practice her two favorite crafting skills: cutting and gluing!  And she was very excited about the finished product.  She wanted it right next to her while she ate dinner that night.

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