Sunday, October 2, 2011

Enjoying the Fall

The weather today was absolutely perfect to me.  It was a beautiful, cool fall day, just how I like 'em!  So, or course we wanted to spend the entire day outside!  In the morning, we walked around the azalea trail and arboretum with Joel and Henry.  Marley had a blast walking around and exploring nature.
Vivi whined for a while at the beginning of the trip, so we started walking back to the car.  But, on the way back to the car, she fell asleep.  So, we continued our walk!
Joel found a pea, and asked Marley to try it.  She stuck it in her mouth and immediately spit it out!

Miss Attitude!

In the afternoon, Emily V., the girls, and I went to the park for a picnic and play time!  It was so nice.  I sat on a bench nursing Vivi in the cool weather while Emily and Marley played on the playground.  She pretended to drive the cars to Afghanistan to visit Daddy and tell him that she loves him. 

It was a fantastic day.  I love fall, so I am going to soak it up as much as I can with trips to the parks, picnics, and anything else we can find to do outdoors!

1 comment:

Ace said...

Wow.did you happen to notice that marley has a BOOOOTAAAAAYYYY in the pic of her climbing the rock stairs?And your hair looks so curly at the park!

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