We are back from New York and New Jersey, and I have 520 pictures to look through and narrow down! We were only there from Friday afternoon until Sunday afternoon, but it was exhausting! We spent all day yesterday resting and sleeping and recuperating, and Marley and I are finally feeling normal again.
So, I am starting with day one, Friday. One of Marley's favorite parts of the trip was keeping track of how many different modes of transportation we had been on. So, Friday we rode in Daddy's truck, a bus, a stroller, an escalator, an airplane, a train, and a new car! It was "a lot of stuff" according to Marley!

The plane ride went pretty well. Marley, Emily, and I sat across the middle on the plane together, and we managed to keep Marley pretty entertained most of the time. I really wanted Marley to take a nap in the plane, but she just couldn't. There was way too much going on. She was also just really excited! I'm sure people saw that they were sitting near a toddler and thought they had gotten extremely unlucky. But, I was happy that we proved them wrong and the only time she cried was when it was time to get
off the plane!

It wasn't very easy for me to sit still that long without being able to put my feet up or move around a lot. I tried to take a few laps around the plane, but it was beyond awkward. So, it sucked, but I survived.

When we got off the plane, we found our baggage, and rode a train to the rental car area. And we picked up our bright blue car!

Marley finally took her much needed nap the second we got in the car. I think her car seat in our car is much more comfortable than the rented one, but the rented one worked for two days.

We found our hotel, I put my feet up and laid in bed for a while, and then it was time for dinner. Getting to see family is always fun, but this was the first time that Marley really felt comfortable with everyone. She talked and wanted to play with people that she doesn't see all the time and it made me proud. My little girl is growing up!
So we had a fabulous dinner, and then ended our night with a slumber party with Deedee! But we needed our rest, because the next day was going to be a big day walking around New York City!
These pictures just make my heart happy! She is so precious!
marley's so cute! she has the same eyes as my carter :)
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