Friday, March 18, 2011

Outside Activities

Marley and I are still loving the warm weather. Yesterday, it got up to 80 degrees! She has been practicing her balance beam skills (we start gymnastics classes later this month!), loves to play golf in the backyard, and asks to swing about 10 times a day.
She is so much better at the balance beam than I thought she would be! We helped her do it at first, but she can do it all by herself now!
She also loves to collect sticks for Henry. She finds big long sticks, and then folds them in half a few times and hands them to Henry. He happily chews on them until 30 seconds later when Marley has a new one for him. But Marley takes this job very seriously. If Henry goes for a stick that is not one that Marley chose for him, she will get so upset that the tears start!
I justed asked Marley what she likes to do outside and she said, "I also like to eat pizza and ice cream." So, there you go. I don't know the last time we ate those things outside, but evidently she's looking forward to it!

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