While Marley and I were in Texas, we went with my mom and Joel to Austin for the weekend to see some of our extended family! We stayed at Mimi and Pawpaw's house and Aunt Julie, Uncle Andy, Jack, and Alex came from Houston to spend the weekend with us also. Marley got to open some birthday presents, which she loved! Unfortunately I wasn't together enough to take pictures for some reason. But she looked absolutely adorable dressed up in her new tutu and first set of high heels!
On Saturday, we got to pick Emily up from camp. Marley was so excited to see Emily, a little put off by her loss of voice, but still attached to her from the second she found her! We got to see Emily jumping on the blob for the last time, and Marley got some Camp Longhorn attire.
We also got to take Marley to her first trip to Schlitterbahn! We didn't take our camera in to take pictures, because it wasn't really practical. But I wish I had a camera, because she LOVED it! She had a blast swimming with me, my mom, Aunt Julie, Deedee, Jack, and Alex. I was sad that Asa couldn't be there to see how much fun she had though. She was so worn out that she even took a nap in the stroller in the middle of the park. Being at Schlitterbahn brought back so many memories of when I used to go there all the time with my family. It was always so much fun and the perfect way to end the summer before school started. I hope Marley, Asa, and I can have family traditions like that.

Also, while we were in Austin I got to visit two cloth diaper stores! I have never actually been to a physical store and I loved it! I loved being able to hold the different brands and figure out what I wanted to try next. I was telling Emily today that shopping for diapers is just as much fun as shopping for clothes to me! The second store we went to was fantastic and I could have spent hours and plenty of money in there. But Marley will hopefully be potty trained soon, so I will save all that excitement for the next baby!

Marley had so much fun with everyone in Austin, and she is still talking about Mimi 2 all the time! She wants to call Mimi 2 and take pictures for Mimi 2... she even says "Mimi Thoo" and holds up two fingers. I can't wait until we get to see everyone again!
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