Monday, May 31, 2010

Visiting Daddy in Louisiana

We got to visit Asa on Sunday! Donna, Lewis, Emily V., my mom, Marley, and I all got in the car early Sunday morning and drove to meet Asa! When I woke Marley us that morning I said, "Guess what?!" And she immediately said "DADA!!" It was so cute how excited she was! We realized half way there that Donna had left her purse with her ID at home, but it was too late to go back. So, we just crossed our fingers it would work out. Luckily it did, and the guys at the gate there really nice and let us in anyway. We were only driving for a minute when we saw Asa walking down the road! Marley saw him and was so excited! We had been practicing for days that she was going to say "Hello, Dada!" and give him a headbutt (that's their thing). She remembered the headbutt, but forgot the Hello. But that's ok! They were of course still happy to see each other!

It felt like we just ate all day long. Other than a trip to Walmart, we spent most of the day at various restaurants since they were really the only places where we could all sit together and talk. After lunch we did find a park where we could hang out. Marley took a nap on the way there so she was rested and ready to play when we got to the park!
She loved playing at the park with Asa! She really missed her Daddy!
We walked down to the lake and found this adorable baby turtle! I wish we could have kept him as a pet for Marley!
It was pretty hard to leave him there, and Marley definitely didn't like the idea. But we did it. Marley slept the entire way home with her new sunglasses on.

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